495 kr / Par
10 cm 2-Way Coax-System 50/100 Watt, Impedance 4 Ohm ‡ 47 mm, Ø 94 mm
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10 cm 2-Way Coax-System
50/100 Watt, Impedance 4 Ohm
‡ 47 mm, Ø 94 mm
With the 2013er speaker models of GTi SERIES, Crunch offers the ideal fellows of the white GTi amplifiesr. Not only the outfit with its chic white PP cones is a perfect match to the overall concept, also in terms of price/performance, the series is completely convincing. Thanks to the thin installation depth and the standardized eurobaskets the speakers, can be easily installed anywhere - discreet with the original grilles and also somewhat conspicuous with the custom design grille